The above are just raw ideas, I might want the player to learn how to use their epic boon or planeswalker ability. Maybe limiting it to a personal planeshift as the spell (no components needed), (proficiency bonus (halved) per day). After a long rest, the budding Planeswalker can start to learn how to control their ability to planeswalk. The DM might determine when the players spark activates or in a stress situation (Dying or near Death), or get the player to roll a D20, add half their level (rounded down) as a modifier, on a result of 21+ their spark activates and they planeshift (DMs choice or a random plane). A result of 21+ then their Epic Boon becomes active. Roll a D20, add half their level (rounded down). For those grant a different epic boon, which should become active potentially after a stress or near death situation (losing half or more of their total hit points in one attack, Dying or Near Death). (If not all players are Planeswalkers, and Balance is an issue, perhaps those who dont have the spark instead have a blessing or are chosen by a deity, power or warlock patron. I hoped I would see a couple new subclasses for spellcasters.I would offer the ability to Planeswalk as an Epic Boon, but have it available as a limited feat,- Possibly Called Planewalker Spark simply available for all players who are Planeswalkers. There are tons of spellcasters on Dominaria. But what I really hoped for was that there would be a section on magic. It gives no guidelines on what statistics to use for which creature, as it was in the previous Planeshifts (also, this isn't a huge problem, as for most of the monsters on Dominaria, it is obvious which stats are used for which creatures). There are only two new races, but that's not saying much as there is no need for more. I am slightly disappointed, as I was expecting more new content. 3.Shadowverse, the game these settings are from, has an anime-style aesthetic. Races will have to be reflavored (except humans) to fit the a race that exists in Rivayle or Vellsar. Unearthed Arcana and Homebrew are on a case by case basis. This fluff will be handy for laying out the nations of Aerona and how they interact internally/externally. 1.Characters start at level 3 2.Official Content is Allowed, including MTG stuff like planeshift.This playtest document presents the kender race, the Lunar Magic sorcerer subclass, the Knight of Solamnia and Mage of High. Gone are the days of the Mystic class, this introduces psionics through three subclasses psychic warrior fighter, soul knife rogue, and psionics wizard. By Jeremy Crawford, Dan Dillon, and Ben Petrisor, with F. Tables and suggestions for building adventure arcs around different factions and nations. In today’s Unearthed Arcana, we explore character options from the Dragonlance setting. Unearthed Arcana: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard.Focuses on the Domains (the regions of Aerona).It'll require a lot more work on the part of the DM than I think several of the past settings needed. It'll serve as a decent skeleton for building a campaign.

Plane Shift: Dominaria is now available! It's 24 pages of mostly fluff for running adventures in Dominaria.